
Booing Fans Feel They Were Robbed


What, are we supposed to feel sorry for Rob Blake?

It’s funny that L.A. fans have the reputation of being passive, yet when King fans -- some of the more knowledgeable and vocal in the sport -- boo Blake, J.A. Adande [Oct. 17] actually encourages us to be passive and let bygones be bygones. But J.A., we don’t want to. In fact, we not only want to boo him, we have a responsibility to boo him. He’s not only the enemy, he’s also a liar and a traitor. Blake has said that the boos don’t bother him, so why do they bother you, J.A.? Perhaps you’re not 100% clear on the subject.

Let me explain it to you: Whiny team captain takes his case public rather than handling it privately with team. Millionaire defenseman chats up his “market value” (but seriously, fans, it’s not about the money!). Beloved player leaves team for more money. Still claims it isn’t about money. The Colorado Avalanche is a hated opponent of the Kings.

If that’s not the recipe for booing a former player, I don’t know what is.

Don Fulton

San Pedro
