
Davis Needs to Review Her School Board Votes


Re “Santa Ana Unified’s Tale of Two Boards,” April 13:

Nadia Davis, the ex-Santa Ana school board member, needs to examine her own voting record before petitioning the public for sympathy. While on the school board, Davis voted with John Palacio and Nativo Lopez on every issue, even for every architectural firm and consultant that gave them political campaign gifts. She would not vote to remove Del Terra when presented with information on their nonperformance. When deals on the Marine base were worked out with the city of Tustin, time and again she voted right along with Lopez and Palacio to continue the acrimony and strife. Yes, Davis did do right by going to the district attorney, but only after many other residents went to the D.A.’s office to try to get this out-of-control school board to stop their seemingly endless illegal tactics. It is time for Davis to learn from her mistakes (your voting record speaks louder than your words) and move on.

Tim Whitacre

Santa Ana
