
Gay Pride Parade Draws Thousands of Spectators

From Staff and Wire Reports

Thousands of people turned out Sunday to watch the 32nd annual Los Angeles Gay Pride Parade along Santa Monica Boulevard. Police said the four-hour event went off with no major incidents.

Singer Cyndi Lauper served as grand marshal for the parade, which also featured several politicians, including Mayor James K. Hahn and City Council members Bernard Parks and Antonio Villaraigosa.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. June 27, 2003 For The Record
Los Angeles Times Friday June 27, 2003 Home Edition Main News Part A Page 2 National Desk 1 inches; 38 words Type of Material: Correction
Gay pride parade -- In Monday’s California section, a brief about the Greater Los Angeles Gay Pride Parade had a Los Angeles label. Sunday’s parade did not take place in Los Angeles; it was held in West Hollywood.
