
Is Gov.’s Choice for Cal-OSHA Spot the Safest?


I am incredulous that the governor would consider naming Richard Warner as director of the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (“Disney Safety Manager May Get State Post,” Sept. 8).

It’s apparent Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has no knowledge of Disney’s track record with respect to the numbers and types of injuries experienced by many at the park.

This is equivalent to putting the fox in charge of the henhouse. There surely has to be a more qualified candidate!


Maria Elena Miranda

West Covina


I was quite amazed at the reactions of the self-appointed “watchdogs.”

Call me old-fashioned, but I think that having a businessman with a broad and well-focused background in precisely the kind of matters that Cal/OSHA regulates and oversees is a plus, rather than a deficit.

Over the last year, I have been honored to work with many Disneyland engineers on all levels and with the com- pany’s safety staff and management.

Rather than shirk safety in any way, every single person with whom I have dealt, on a broad variety of projects, has taken it upon Disney to far exceed state and federal requirements.

Jeffrey J. Maillian

Newport Beach
