
Big Bear’s bald eagles lay second egg after ravens attack first one

VIDEO | 01:36
Big Bear’s bald eagles lay second egg after ravens attack first one

Jackie has laid a second egg in her San Bernardino National Forest nest.

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A week after losing an egg to a raven attack, a bald eagle has laid another in a Southern California nest, and nature lovers will watch for the hatching via an online live feed.

Mother eagle Jackie delivered the egg Saturday afternoon near the mountain community of Big Bear in the San Bernardino National Forest.

The group Friends of Big Bear Valley, which installed the web cam, says the egg is expected to hatch around Valentine’s Day.


Big Bear’s pair of bald eagles, and their two eggs, have become superstars thanks to a streaming webcam that shows their nest up close.

Jan. 22, 2020

More than 4,000 people have liked live video feed since the egg was laid, with thousands tuning in daily to watch the avian parents sitting on the nest. Most times, the feed shows Jackie nestling on the egg as light winds blow through the treetops, ruffling her feathers, but occasionally the egg sits briefly unattended.

A previous egg laid last week by Jackie was lost after it was attacked by ravens.

Jackie and Shadow also laid two eggs last January, but neither hatched. The U.S. Forest service cited a number of reasons why the eggs might not survive, resulting in what’s called a nest failure. They could have suffered incomplete fertilization during the mating process, or the embryos could have died during incubation because of various reasons, including weather, environmental factors or congenital defects. It’s also possible the chicks weren’t able to break out of their shells.

The previous year, two chicks were born to Jackie and Shadow, but one died after several bouts of harsh winter weather.

Times staff writer Colleen Shalby contributed to this report.
