
SXSW 2013: Live-stream the panels and more to come


Pop & Hiss’ team of intrepid reporters is, as we speak, preparing to crack their first Shiner Bocks in Austin, Texas -- and maybe getting around to seeing some music too.

But for all you unfortunate souls who have to spend the week in relaxing, temperate California as opposed to the scorching middle of Texas under a deluge of smoky meat trimmings and promo CDs, SXSW will be live-streaming events and panels at its site.

What new details about the depravity of “Sound City” will Dave Grohl reveal? Is there a limit to how much music and barbecue people can consume? Find out at this link (the music panels aren’t streaming yet, but highlights from the festival’s interactive portion are available now).


PHOTOS: The scene at SXSW 2013

In the meantime, for a detailed look at a one-hour sliver of the Austin insanity, check out Mikael Wood’s preview here. Any time you’re choosing between Cold War Kids, Earl Sweatshirt, Paramore, Macklemore, Sky Ferreira and Paloma Faith, it’s time to shotgun a beer and start making decisions.

For a 30,000-foot view of the week’s big music stories, Todd Martens has you covered. Even if you’re staying home, consider this a cheat sheet for when all the music-biz vets in your life return with unremitting sunburns and a need to eat some vegetables and drink water for the first time in 72 hours.


PHOTOS: The scene at SXSW 2013

SXSW 2013: The music stories to watch


SXSW 2013: ‘Drinking Buddies’ and ‘Hey Bartender’ make the scene


COACHELLA: Complete 2013 lineup

THE ENVELOPE: Awards Insider

PHOTOS: Grammy top winners
