
Poll: New Jersey residents hate “Jersey Shore”

MoD Digital

Residents of the state of New Jersey want the world to know that “Jersey Shore” is not representative of life in the Garden State. In fact, more than half of the Jersey-ites polled by Quinnipiac University said that the show was bad for the state.

What’s more, Jersey residents know who to blame: Their neighbor to the north. Back in July, New Jersey Gov. Christopher Christie complained on ABC’s “This Week” that the show “takes a bunch of New Yorkers… drops them at the Jersey shore, and tries to make America feel like this is New Jersey.” More than a third of the respondents in the Quinnipiac poll agree, while only 19 percent thought New York Gov. David Patterson was onto something when he placed the blame on the shore itself. Perhaps they think it’s something in the water?

We have to admit that Christie -- and all those disgruntled New Jersey residents -- have a point. Of the eight cast members in seasons 1 and 2, six live in New York state. Only one -- Sammi “Sweetheart” Giancola -- is actually from New Jersey.
