
Pete’s L.A. in downtown renamed Ledlow Swan

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Josef Centeno, who also owns Baco Mercat, Bar Ama and Orsa and Winston, has changed the name of his latest venture, Pete’s L.A., to Ledlow Swan. The downtown restaurant currently has no signage while Centeno waits for a new logo.

“I probably should have changed the name Pete’s from the outset,” said Centeno in an email to The Times. “I only had the best intentions by keeping the name, but it has caused some confusion because I re-did the menu and interiors entirely.”

Centeno took over the then Pete’s Cafe and became a partner and the executive chef in October. He changed the name to Pete’s L.A. and replaced the old menu with a selection of his take on American classics.


Centeno said that while many customers welcomed the change, there were others who did not.

“It seems to have brought out the worst in some, and I feel badly that my staff has taken the brunt of it,” said Centeno.

Centeno said the decision to change the name came suddenly, but that it took a few days to come up with a new name. He decided on Ledlow Swan, a reference to his grandparents.


“Sometimes it is just better to make a clean break,” said Centeno. “The old Pete’s in its former incarnation can live on in the memories of those to whom it was most important.”

The menu items will remain the same (in that he has some staples and changing specials), and will feature the new Ledlow Swan logo.

“Otherwise we’ll continue to do what we’ve been doing and are proud of -- making the best restaurant that we can,” said Centeno.


400 S. Main St., Los Angeles, (213) 687-7015,, soon to be

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