
Road rage in Hollywood spawns fistfight between two drivers

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A fistfight erupted in Hollywood this week after two drivers became embroiled in a dispute over a lane change.

The brawl occurred on the southbound side of Highland Avenue next to Hollywood High School and was captured on video obtained by KTLA-TV Channel 5.

The video shows the driver of a blue Toyota Corolla and the driver of a green Toyota Camry getting out of their cars and exchanging blows in the middle of the street.


The driver of the Toyota Corolla -- clad in a dress shirt and tie -- lands several blows on the other motorist, who tumbles to the asphalt and nearly gets hit by a van passing in another lane.

After the melee, which lasted about 20 seconds, the Toyota Corolla’s driver heads to his car and drives away. A bystander runs over and attempts to chase him down to no avail.

The incident has gone viral on social media. The Los Angeles Police Department has not investigated the incident because neither a victim nor suspected assailant has been identified.


“We don’t have a victim,” LAPD Officer Mike Lopez said. “If a victim comes forward, we’ll use that YouTube video in an investigation.”

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