
Letters: Veterans, jobs and partisan politics

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Re “Senate GOP blocks veterans jobs measure,” Sept. 20

I see the “party of no” is at it again. The Republicans in Congress don’t care who they hurt, even the brave warriors who lay their lives on the line for our country.

The recent jobs bill for veterans was blocked by Senate Republicans last week. It was designed to help veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan since the 9/11 attacks. It was being paid for, as The Times writes, by “imposing penalties on Medicare providers and suppliers who are delinquent on taxes and by collecting back taxes on others.” Sounds OK to me.


Keep it up, Republicans. The ones who are up for reelection have boosted their chances of defeat by killing this bill.

Bonnie Vandenberg

Capistrano Beach


I’m a Democrat and I’m all for helping our veterans. But I cannot fathom the logic in President Obama’s plan to pay for this bill.

The article states that the $1 billion over five years is to be paid by collecting back taxes and penalties. Why are we not implementing the penalties and collecting delinquent payments now? And if there is a good reason why not, how will we suddenly be able to do it?

It seems as though the Democrats knew this bill would be rejected and can now say that the Republicans don’t support our veterans.


Phil Jacobson

Manhattan Beach


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