
Letters to the Editor: Good for the LAUSD student pushing back against the dairy industry

Blue capped milk cartons at the grocery store
An LAUSD student was told she couldn’t distribute literature at school about the disadvantages of drinking dairy milk unless she also provided information about its benefits.
(Matt Rourke / Associated Press)
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To the editor: Hats off to Marielle Williamson for taking a stand against archaic rules that allow the dairy industry to prioritize profits over students’ health. Students like Williamson should be able to inform their peers of the benefits of vegan milk so they can make well-informed decisions.

Students have the right to know that the milk carton on their lunch tray may come from a suffering animal. Cows exploited for milk are often artificially inseminated, separated from their young and placed in overcrowded, unsanitary living conditions. And many students are lactose intolerant. The dairy industry has been receiving preferential treatment for too long, and we must put the health and well-being of students first.

Melinda McKee, Los Angeles



To the editor: As a former California school teacher, I can attest that the problem goes beyond lack of choice for lunchtime beverages. Milk is given to students whether they want it or not, and the unconsumed milk gets thrown away.

What a silly and wasteful system this is. Food waste is already a serious issue in schools. Concerned parents and citizens should consider voicing their opinions at local school board meetings. The dairy industry isn’t going down without a fight, despite potential risks to children’s health or the waste of its own product.

Kristen Kessler, Ventura
