
Letters to the Editor: Gen Z job applicants need to leave their parents at home

An applicant for a position at Starbucks is interviewed at a job fair in Miami in 2019.
An applicant for a position at Starbucks is interviewed at a job fair in Miami in 2019.
(Lynne Sladky / Associated Press)

To the editor: I read LZ Granderson’s column defending Gen Z’ers who bring their parents to job interviews, and I struggle with some of the conclusions.

If a young adult cannot handle an interview without their parents, they may not be able to handle the responsibilities and stress of the job, thus setting them up for failure.

Many generations of young adults have dealt with tough childhoods: the Great Depression, parents divorcing, losing their home due to parents’ losing their jobs and other kinds of hardship. Part of the maturation process is gaining resilience.


If their parents want to help them practice interviewing at home, great. But a job interview needs to be a solo journey.

Mary Riblett, Culver City


To the editor: I find it ironic that Granderson’s column about Gen Z’ers and generational stress should appear just after the 80th anniversary of D-day, when Allied forces invaded Nazi-occupied France.

Instead of bringing their parents to job interviews, maybe they should consult with their grandparents about a different kind of generational stress.


Evan Puziss, Mar Vista


To the editor: I get why a young applicant might like a parent to be at a job interview. It’s someone familiar to act as an emotional buffer during a stressful experience.

But when are they supposed to have an adult experience that helps them grow up? When does the helicopter parenting stop to promote that learning? Comfort doesn’t teach; uncomfortable challenges do.

Also, I’d love to read a follow-up story about what it’s like for an employer trying to evaluate a candidate to have Mom or Dad possibly answering for the applicant or second-guessing the interviewer’s questions. I’d think it interferes with the process.


Nicholas Herlick, Apple Valley
