
Readers React: Jay Leno could do more good with his cars than just collecting them

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To the editor: Perhaps Jay Leno could take some of his passion and love for cars and begin to share his treasures with the public, as Bruce Meyer has done at the Petersen Automotive Museum or as has Peter W. Mullin at the Mullin Automotive Museum in Oxnard. (“Passion and love drive Leno to fill a 130-car garage,” July 14)

As a former career counselor at a local public high school, I can assure you the students in our auto specialization classes greatly benefited from regular visits to the Petersen or the amazing Nethercutt Collection in Sylmar. These students are the future auto technicians who will maintain Leno’s growing collection. Many could use a scholarship for the few local community colleges or four-year colleges still offering auto programs.

Better yet, Mr. Leno, sell that $1.2 -million McLaren and upgrade the auto shops at our high schools.


Aviva Monosson, Los Angeles


To the editor: I am sure I am not alone in calling for more front-page articles about Ridiculously Wealthy Retired TV Entertainers and the Things They Buy.

I am especially interested in huge collections of super-expensive stuff that can be shown off and bragged about. Bonus points if the same stuff can “shatter silence” in the hills near my home.


Personally, I think nothing shows the world the value of celebrity like the ability to fill an airplane hangar with pricey status machinery. How sad that these icons have to put up with the annoyance of fellow collectors coveting their acquisitions.

Alan Corcoran, Anaheim

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