
Readers React: Legal nitpicking over climate-change rules

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To the editor: On the one hand, policymaking must be vetted, even through the courts, assuring that our system of checks and balances is adhered to. On the other hand, when crisis is upon us, our leaders should apply their collective tools to the problem while scrutinizing the rules. (“Next step for Obama’s climate rules: A court debate over wording ‘glitch,’” Aug. 5)

Facing a fierce challenge in the courts this year, brought on in part by 15 states, the battle over the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions could entertain like a ferocious sporting event if the consequence weren’t so appalling: more years of national policy stagnation on climate change and more rule-checking.

Most members of Congress and presidential candidates are all but AWOL on the problem. I am grateful that my congressman isn’t one of these.


But who will history finger as the Nero of our times, fiddling while the Earth burns? Who will be around to remember?

Liza White, Westwood


To the editor: This article reports on the ongoing legal battles against climate change initiatives. The adjacent page features a story about the explosion in the Chinese city of Tianjin, yet another environmental disaster caused by unregulated industries.


I hope this juxtaposition was not lost on your readers or our political leaders.

Mark Johnson, Vista, Calif.

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