
Readers React: SpaceX rocket landing: great news when we badly need it

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To the editor: I want to congratulate Elon Musk and SpaceX for making history by landing the first stage of the Falcon 9 rocket back on Earth (in one piece this time) after deploying a payload into space. This is a historic event, because the cost of getting stuff into space just got several times cheaper. (“SpaceX landing hailed as giant leap for space travel,” Dec. 22)

In a world where news is dominated by Islamic State, mass shootings and Donald Trump, it’s time the smart people get the spotlight and we have good news to report. This event is another milestone representing the progress of humanity on a road that will eventually lead to the human colonization of Mars.

All of humanity rejoices at this great accomplishment. Thank you, Elon Musk and SpaceX.

Marc Perkel, Gilroy



To the editor: Wednesday’s front page put in stark relief the difference between what is best about our species and what is worst.

Above the fold was one more story about the San Bernardino killers, whose lives were worth nothing more in their own eyes than a few minutes of barbaric, tribal violence. Below the fold was the story of a group of people who just made the prospect of regular, cost-effective space transport — and eventually space travel — much likelier than it was when the week began.

The latter story reassures me that, despite modern echoes of our brutal past, history is a line rather than a circle. That’s a good thing.


As someone whose faith in humanity is occasionally shaken, I’d suggest swapping their positions next time you do a front-page story on each topic. We could use some headlines that scream good news for a change.

Branden Frankel, Encino


To the editor: This signal SpaceX accomplishment is truly a very big technical and entrepreneurial deal. Assuming first-stage recovery of the Falcon 9 rocket becomes routine, SpaceX will either drive its launch service competitors out of business or compel them to develop (with major investments of time and money) this first-stage recovery technology.


Musk and SpaceX have demonstrated a true aerospace coup thanks to their competence, ambition, risk tolerance and the United States’ encouragement of free enterprise.

C. Richard Johnson, El Segundo


To the editor: The reusable Falcon 9 rocket could be Musk’s Pony Express of space travel.

Bill Brock, Agoura Hills

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