
Readers React: Improve and fully use the Alameda Corridor instead of widening the 710 Freeway

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To the editor: Metro’s board of directors should take a deep breath, which by the way will be much harder for communities in the “diesel death zone” if the wrong decision is made, and vote “no” on the staff recommendation to widen the 710 Freeway from Long Beach to East Los Angeles. Perpetuating 1950s thinking on roads will get us headed back to the 20th century instead of forward into the 21st. (“Widening freeways is so 20th century — the 710 Freeway deserves better,” editorial, Feb. 19)

There has been scant mention in any of the news articles on the 710 about the potential improvements to traffic congestion if the Alameda Corridor was operating at full capacity. That rail line, meant to ferry cargo containers between the ports of L.A. and Long Beach to the inland rail yards, can significantly reduce congestion on the 710.

Now, the Alameda Corridor is operating below capacity. Improving its freight-carrying capacity as well as improving the Alameda Corridor East would have a huge impact. It’s a waste of taxpayer money not to have this large infrastructure project operating at full potential.


Metro showed its ability to be forward-thinking when it killed the proposed 710 tunnel between Alhambra and Pasadena. It should make a similarly wise decision on widening the 710.

Joanne Nuckols, South Pasadena


To the editor: With regard to trucks on the 710, why not use the L.A. River for exclusive truck-only lanes?


Though the entire route between the harbor area might not be possible in the riverbed, at least the segment from Rosecrans Avenue to the rail yards could be used. The only time that wouldn’t work is when we get rain, and everyone knows that doesn’t happen much anymore.

Cary Adams, North Hollywood

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