
Opinion: Do Republicans finally realize that Americans really like affordable healthcare?

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) delayed a vote on the Republican healthcare bill while GOP leadership tries to get enough votes.
(J. Scott Applewhite / Associated Press)
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To the editor: Republican senators finally need to face the fact that millions of Americans will not stand for the destruction of federal programs to assist them in obtaining healthcare. (“Republicans are in charge. So why can’t they deliver on healthcare?” July 7)

That sick and disabled people in wheelchairs now receiving Medicaid are risking their health to go to Washington to protest in Republican senators’ offices (and be forcibly removed and arrested) is only the most dramatic and heart-wrenching display of the outrage of millions of Americans.

It is absurd for the most conservative senators to continue to hold out for what they want: gutting the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and having nothing adequate to replace it. Their grandstanding is also downright abusive and obscene.


I say this to Republicans: Stop scaring the heck out of our seniors, the poor and middle class, the disabled and the parents of children whose very lives depend on Medicaid and Medicaid expansion. Improve the Affordable Care Act and move on.

Walter Dominguez, Los Angeles


To the editor: President Trump tweeted on Monday, “I cannot imagine that Congress would dare to leave Washington without a beautiful new HealthCare bill fully approved and ready to go!”


Why doesn’t Trump at least help the senators write a bill? He needs to stop expecting people to do his job.

But Trump probably can’t write a decent bill. He doesn’t have the compassion or wisdom to write anything that would be good for Americans.

David Zasloff, Burbank


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