
Readers React: Brexit is a sign of a maturing European Union. More countries should try leaving

Activists with their faces painted as a British flag and the European Union flag participate in an anti-Brexit demonstration March 21 in Brussels.
Activists with their faces painted as a British flag and the European Union flag participate in an anti-Brexit demonstration March 21 in Brussels.
(Frank Augstein / Associated Press)

To the editor: The history of the European Union goes back to the history of west versus east and even the west versus itself (World Wars I and II being the primary examples). It is in essence a defensive position intended to preserve peace and prevent conflict. (“A Brexit deal is better than no deal; no Brexit would be even better,” editorial, April 4)

In 1849, Victor Hugo said, “A day will come when we shall see ... the United States of America and the United States of Europe face to face, reaching out for each other across the seas.” He was a romantic.

I see two problems with European unity. Unlike our United States, Europeans do not have a common culture and language, or even a common cause. The continent’s level of diversity makes the United States look homogeneous. Also, does the need for European countries to protect themselves from each other still exist?


I see Brexit as a sign of maturity.

Arthur G. Saginian, Santa Clarita


To the editor: While I am totally in agreement with your assessment of the British Brexit conundrum, it amuses me that a major American newspaper would even deign to offer advice to another country.

Personally I would love to see a do over, but I can’t help but believe that those in Great Britain who voted for Brexit without any hesitation and got hold of Thursday’s Los Angeles Times are mumbling, “Why can’t those Americans mind their own business?”

Ron Garber, Duarte

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