
Readers React: The constant investigation of Hillary Clinton was the real witch hunt

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump at the second presidential debate on Oct. 9, 2016.
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump at the second presidential debate on Oct. 9, 2016.
(Rick T. Wilking / Associated Press)
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To the editor: I found Jonah Goldberg’s column, “Conspiracy theorists on both sides of the Russia probe probably have some facts on their side,” deeply troubling.

There is no binary star system that represents the two narratives, as Goldberg writes. There is no equivalency between special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation and Fox News’ allegations that the “deep state” is out to get Trump.

Fox News is uninterested in the truth about the Department of Justice’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation. Mueller is methodically searching for the truth. Fox News demonizes endlessly Mueller and the Russia investigation. Mueller and his team keep their heads down, their mouths shut and go about their work.


Sean Hannity is an unabashed mouthpiece for Trump. Mueller is doing his best to run an impartial investigation on behalf of our supposedly independent justice system.

Yes, our system is suffering greatly from the poison of partisan politics, at the very least. However, there is still a distinction in America between those who value power and truth, and those who value only power.

Evelyn Baran, Beverly Hills



To the editor: Goldberg attempts to equate the investigation into the very real Russian attack on U.S. democracy — which has already led to felony indictments and guilty pleas — with a politically motivated attack on Hillary Clinton that never led to charges and for which there was never any real evidence of wrongdoing.

Goldberg draws a false equivalency that obscures the outrageous behavior of those seeking to undermine democracy.

With a known agent of a foreign government, Michael Flynn, having served as Trump’s national security advisor, and with Donald Trump Jr.’s meetings with emissaries from Russia, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, there is more than smoke in the Russian investigation; there is a towering inferno indicating corruption and collusion.


Trump benefited from the help of a foreign autocrat to be elected president despite losing the popular vote by millions. That is reality; the Hannitized narrative is just plain propaganda.

David Bendall, Aliso Viejo

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