
Opinion: Democrats, don’t despair — there have been far worse election defeats before

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To the editor: Reporter Catherine Decker wrote that the Democrats “struggled through the wreckage of one of their worst election nights in memory.” I had to reread “worst.” (“For reeling Democrats, now what?” Nov. 10)

Winning a few hundred thousands votes more than your opponent is not the “worst” and underscores the necessity to get rid of the Electoral College, this being the fifth time, and second in 16 years, that actual votes didn’t determine our president.

To my mind, “worst” recalls Ronald Reagan’s 1984 landslide against Walter Mondale, Richard Nixon’s 1972 victory over George McGovern and Lyndon Johnson’s 1964 triumph over Barry Goldwater.


Hillary Clinton made a mistake taking for granted so-called guaranteed states, barely losing Wisconsin and Michigan and winning Minnesota by slightly more than one percentage point. Others she lost, Pennsylvania and Florida, were in the 1-1.5% range.

Even with that, the American people still voted for her over Donald Trump.

Michael Russnow, West Hollywood


To the editor: Rather than attacking the president-elect, perhaps progressives need to engage him. The damage caused by his hate speech is already done.


Today I want to thank Trump for his massive infrastructure plan. It is desperately needed and is something no Democrat can get through Congress. At the same time I urge him to take another look at the evidence for climate change.

He should also look at how American workers would be better protected if the government went after employers who pay less than minimum wage to undocumented workers instead of going after hardworking people who would make great citizens if given the chance.

Trump is not an orthodox Republican. His commitments are uncertain. Progressives need to forge some sort of alliance with him as he has the power to be a bulwark against the right-wing ideologues serving in Congress and as vice president.


Diane Lefer, Los Angeles

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