
Readers React: Judge Persky needs to answer for more than just his lenient treatment of Brock Turner

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To the editor: One letter writer suggests that Stanford law professor Michele Dauber, who is leading a recall campaign against Judge Aaron Persky of the Santa Clara County Superior Court, is unqualified to have so much as an opinion on the jurist. (“We need more jurists like Judge Aaron Persky who are willing to make unpopular decisions,” Readers React, Jan. 30)

This assertion is rich, given that one person whose opinion in the matter counts for very little is the letter writer, who is not currently a resident of Santa Clara County. Voters in that county collected more than 100,000 signatures to have the opportunity to have Persky answer not just for his terrible decision in the case against former Stanford student Brock Turner, who served three months in jail for sexually assaulting a woman on campus, but also for his entire long record of rulings that favor offenders over victims.

Time’s up for Persky and everyone else who dismisses victims.

Beth Morgan, Los Angeles


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