
Readers React: Giving noncitizens the right to vote is a nonstarter — even for liberals

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To the editor: Gustavo Arellano tosses us red meat by suggesting that noncitizens be allowed to vote. That’s a nonstarter, even for this liberal. This country has other genuinely serious challenges.

The right to vote logically attaches to citizenship, and it’s the law. Instead, how about concentrating on getting all registered voters to exercise their precious franchise, making it easier to vote and cracking down on states that set up obstacles to voting?

In 2008, according to the Bipartisan Policy Center, 62.3% of eligible voters turned out — not even two-thirds of the electorate. In 2012, that number dropped to 57.5%. Historically, voter participation is even lower for midterm elections. Perhaps related to the election of our first black president, the American Civil Liberties Union is litigating over voter suppression tactics in at least 15 states.


Frances O’Neill Zimmerman, La Jolla


To the editor: In cities with a large legal immigrant population not yet naturalized to vote, school districts and cities find an easy way to pass parcel taxes on a simple majority.

San Marino is a city whose population is about 60% immigrant. These people cannot vote, and yet they are saddled with city parcel taxes. San Francisco is right in allowing noncitizens to vote on school issues.


This is taxation without representation.

Andrew Ko, San Marino


To the editor: I ask any die-hard liberal to name another country that fails to manage its borders and gives those who enter outside the legal system the right to vote.

The more the liberal left hangs on to such “outside the mainstream” initiatives, the more conservatives will be elected. Even in our leftist state, public opinion would be at least 2 to 1 against this foolishness.


Patrick Henry, Torrance

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