
Opinion: Donald Trump, ‘dictator-in-waiting’

Donald Trump at the final presidential debate Wednesday in Las Vegas.
(Win McNamee / Getty Images)
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To the editor: Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has said that, if he’s president, he might jail his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton. In the final debate, he admitted that if he lost, he might or might not concede the election, thus ignoring one of the great political traditions designed to unite our country. (“In final debate, Trump won’t say he’ll accept election results. Clinton’s response: ‘horrifying,’” Oct. 19)

This proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that the man is a dictator-in-waiting. Is that what America wants? I sincerely hope not.

Jon Nelson, Panorama City



To the editor: When asked during the final debate if he will accept the election outcome even if he loses, Trump’s astonishing response was, “I’ll keep you in suspense.”

Mr. Trump, this is our democracy you are threatening to undermine. It’s not some reality TV show.

Marcy Rothenberg, Porter Ranch



To the editor: We are a nation of laws, and whether or not Trump accepts the results of the election doesn’t matter.

Gary Lasley, Pasadena


To the editor: I think Trump won all the debates in the sense that he has probably succeeded in seriously crippling, if not destroying, the Republican Party, which I suspect has been his purpose since the outset of his campaign.


Trump’s ignorance of Republican issues — which was once again on display Wednesday night — and his contempt for its leaders have been obvious all along. Apparently he believes the best way to undermine the party is from within. I would say mission accomplished.

Trump’s candidacy is a gift to the Democratic Party that will keep on giving for a long time.

Patrick M. Dempsey, Granada Hills


To the editor: It is significant that Trump cited Army Gen. Douglas MacArthur during the third debate.

In The Times’ Oct. 14 book review of H.W. Brands’ “The General vs. the President,” Bob Drogin described MacArthur this way: “But at 70, he was pompous and arrogant, given to flowery language and bombastic pronouncements. He was surrounded by sycophants, obsessed with his public image, and in the view of his critics, a megalomaniac prepared to start World War III.”

These words seem to apply to Trump perfectly.

Drogin concludes that “history has been kinder to [President Harry] Truman than to MacArthur.” No matter who wins the election, I believe history will be kinder to Clinton than Trump.

Of course, to apply Trump’s logic, The Times’ critic must be biased, as he writes for the liberal media, and therefore the review must be “rigged.”


Dienyih Chen, Redondo Beach

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