
Someone as insecure as Trump cannot possibly ‘make America safe again’


To the editor: I can’t help but be struck by the irony in presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s messages that he is “tough” and that he will “make America safe again.” (“Benghazi-related speakers drive home first night’s focus on national security,” July 18)

Trump’s knee-jerk reactions to any perceived slight speak to a level of insecurity unmatched in any presidential candidate in U.S. history. Yet he would have us believe this behavior betrays a “toughness” that will make America safe. I would argue the opposite.

More disturbingly, Trump’s reactions are so predictable that foreign powers will have no problem manipulating him. Several months ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin publicly praised Trump; as expected, Trump swooned at the compliment. Now Putin understands how false praise (or insults) can be employed against Trump to manipulate him.


Far from making America safe, Trump’s fragile ego will have the direct effect of making the world far more dangerous.

Matthew Singerman, Newbury Park

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