
Readers React: Trumpism was unrestrained this week. How embarrassed is Nikki Haley right now?

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley speaks during a Security Council meeting in New York on April 26.
(Drew Angerer / Getty Images)
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To the editor: After reading articles on President Trump withdrawing the United States from the Iran nuclear deal and the separation of immigrant children from their parents at the border, I wonder how Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley is holding up.

Is she embarrassed when Trump breaks international agreements? Does she worry that other nations will no longer trust us to keep our word? Is she concerned about the honor of the United States and its position as a world leader? Does she wonder if adversaries like North Korea and China will have second thoughts about negotiating with us? Is she confident that allies like Great Britain and France will continue to rely on our leadership?

And how in God’s name does she feel about the new U.S. policy of arresting immigrants seeking sanctuary and separating them from their children? Can she really stomach this violation of international law and justify it to her fellow U.N. representatives? Is she ashamed as a mother, a person of goodwill, and our ambassador to the world?


Haley has my sympathy because she has the hardest job in the world.

James Vernon, Covina


To the editor: It has been observed that Trump tries to create chaos so he can get his way.

An angry child will sometimes send a message by creating a rumpus with consequent broken toys and a messed-up room. Trump’s reckless and senseless withdrawal of the U.S. from the Iran nuclear deal raises a rumpus that can irreparably mess things up on a global scale.


This is high-stakes gambling with our lives that carries potentially catastrophic consequences.

Cecil Hoffman, Pasadena



To the editor: Now we are the terrorists by holding children hostage.

We were supposed to be the example to other countries of how to behave in the world. Instead, with just one election we have fallen to reside with the lowest of the low.

And the Department of Health and Human Services has lost track of nearly 1,500 children who were taken hostage. How will we ever be able to make this up to these families?

To add a small touch of irony, this cruel policy was announced on the day our first lady declared that children are to be nurtured and cherished, as they are important to the future of our world. Heaven help us!

Leslie Tillmann, Rancho Mirage


To the editor: Gee, it sure would have been nice for Mexico to grant asylum to the people in the immigrant caravan. It would also be nice for Mexico and the Central American countries to do something to resolve their problems so that their citizens would want to stay home.


Regarding separated families, do the parents who smuggle children across our borders have any responsibility for this?

Since your paper is so strongly sympathetic to the plight of undocumented immigrants, perhaps you could make a really generous donation to help defray the costs of their medical care, food and other necessities. I am sure the American taxpayers would appreciate that.

Jay James, Pico Rivera


To the editor: I, for one, have reached my limit. I can no longer sit back and allow my country to lose its moral compass.

I truly felt a chill as I read about migrants who illegally cross the border being charged with a crime and likely being separated from their children. My thoughts drifted to Nazi Germany.


We cannot sit back and keep our frustration over the current state of our country to ourselves. Flood the White House with postcards, phone calls and emails opposing these policies. Make your voice heard.

Gerry Warkentine, Costa Mesa

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