
Letters to the Editor: If Gov. Newsom calls Joe Biden a bad guy, will Trump give us firefighting funds?

President Trump visits California fire areas in 2017.
Then-Gov.-elect Gavin Newsom greets President Trump at Beale Air Force Base north of Sacramento on Nov. 17, 2018.
(Saul Loeb / AFP/Getty Images)
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To the editor: President Trump stated on Twitter that every year, fires ravage California, and the state comes to the federal government for financial assistance. “No more,” he threatened.

Response: “Dear President Trump: Joe Biden and his son are very bad guys. Now, will you send us money to help fight the fires?”

Clay Wells, Newport Beach



To the editor: As an Oregonian watching the devastation in California caused by wildfires, admiring the brave firefighters who are Californians and place their lives on the line each day, and reading the inappropriate remarks and threats made by the president, I wonder where the outrage is from the state’s Republican members of Congress.

They were elected to represent the people of California, not the president. Shame on them.

Don Wood, Portland, Ore.
