
Letters to the Editor: Once again, the GOP is using the recall to make a mockery of California

Caitlyn Jenner, now a candidate for California governor, speaks during the 4th annual Women's March in Los Angeles
Caitlyn Jenner, now a candidate for California governor, speaks during the fourth annual Women’s March in Los Angeles on Jan. 18, 2020.
(Chelsea Guglielmino / Getty Images)
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To the editor: Once again the GOP clown car has pulled up, and the candidates for governor of California have piled out.

First to lead the circus is John Cox and his bear. There is also Caitlyn Jenner, who was recently interviewed by The Times. Also running are Angelyne, who is famous for putting herself on billboards, and former adult film actress Mary Carey. Former San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer is supported by Trump acolyte and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfield).

When I am looking for someone to replace Gov. Gavin Newsom, I want a leader with ideas to fix our problems. I am not finding that in these candidates. Did the GOP not learn anything from former President Trump’s clownish antics?


Once again, I will be forced to vote for Newsom because there is no acceptable alternative. If the GOP doesn’t take the election seriously, why should I?

Shirley Conley, Gardena


To the editor: I have just one question for Jenner — please identify any education, experience, background, political volunteer involvement, history as a director of a political entity or any other facet of your life that qualifies you to be governor. Olympic gold medals are not relevant.


Michael Kranther, Los Angeles


To the editor: It is truly infuriating and sad to see The Times normalize a costly, unnecessary recall election targeting a popular and very competent governor.

For weeks the paper has been hyping the recall with regular articles. Now, you deliver the ultimate insult to your readers: a front-page interview with irrefutably unqualified Caitlyn Jenner.


Alan Segal, San Diego


To the editor: In his column, Mark Barabak highlights many reasons why California is different now than in 2003, when Gov. Gray Davis got recalled.

Barabak’s statistics support the idea that Newsom isn’t likely to be recalled, but one very important fact is overlooked: Homelessness is worse than it was in 2003, and it has become especially so with Newsom behind the wheel.

Steve Paskay, Los Angeles


To the editor: A letter writer said he will vote to recall Newsom because of the Employment Development Department fraud debacle.

Newsom does not run the EDD any more than he runs the California Department of Transportation. He does not have day-to-day control over the operations of any of California’s massive bureaucracies.


Furthermore, the current mess is largely the result of the federally authorized program allowing the self-employed to apply for and receive EDD benefits. Since the self-employed do not report quarterly earnings to the Franchise Tax Board, the EDD could not know what these applicants should receive.

When applying, the self-employed stated their income for the previous calendar year, and benefits were calculated and paid accordingly. I know this because I had to apply.

This procedure opened the door to many bad actors. The result was massive fraud that cannot be blamed on Newsom. The alternative would have been to delay benefits indefinitely, with attendant human suffering, while wages were verified without a system in place to do this.

Tom Brayton, Long Beach
