
Tim Tebow might have a future in politics

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Tim Tebow is a straightforward, honest guy. Really nice too. Outgoing, friendly and helpful to everyone he meets.

A person like that surely wouldn’t make it in the cutthroat world of politics, right?

Ha! That’s just the kind of thinking that might have us hearing the phrase “I’m Tim Tebow, and I approve this message” coming from our TV sets one day.

“You can get looked at in a certain light, or people think, ‘This is this type of person, he wouldn’t do this.’ Sometimes it’s fun breaking those norms,” the New York Jets backup quarterback said in an interview that appears in the upcoming issue of Vogue magazine. “There are a lot of goals and ambitions that I have in life, things I want to accomplish. Who knows? I mean, it could be politics one day. I want to have a life that can help people.”


Tebow also addressed the idea of entering the political arena in an interview that ran this week on ESPN New York.

“I haven’t ruled it out,” Tebow said of one day running for office. “Whatever avenue I feel like I can make a difference in, I’d love to do. I haven’t ruled out anything like that. It won’t be anytime soon in my future, but it’ll be something I’ll at least look at and consider one day.”

Tebow actually might make it as a politician (if he can somehow get past the whole honesty issue). He has an enormous following. He has preached the gospel to humongous crowds, so public speaking shouldn’t be an issue. And he truly wants to do good and make a difference in the world.


Plus, who wouldn’t want to see that mug on Mt. Rushmore one day?


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