
Trump to meet with 2028 Olympics organizers during L.A. visit

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When President Trump arrives in Los Angeles on Tuesday, his schedule will include a meeting with local organizers to hear about ongoing preparations for the 2028 Summer Olympics.

Trump is expected to confirm the federal government’s role in helping provide security and other services for the Games.

The LA 2028 organizing committee has proposed a budget of almost $7 billion for the international competition, vowing to cover all costs through sponsorships, ticket sales and other revenue sources.


The U.S. government is expected to designate the Games as a “National Special Security Event,” a classification that could bring in hundreds of millions in additional resources.

The International Olympic Committee requires host cities to secure such a federal commitment.

U.S. officials initially agreed to help when L.A. bid for the 2024 Summer Games. The arrangement must now be shifted following an unusual bid deal that gave 2024 to Paris and has L.A. hosting four years later.


Southern California marks the start of a Trump swing through Western states. His schedule will include a fundraising event in Beverly Hills.
