
Popular Trees

STAR POWER: A floss silk tree in Silver Lake dazzles with its shows off a canopy of vivid orchid-like blossoms on a street in Silver Lake. This bloom season has been a standout for the trees in Southern California.
STAR POWER: A floss silk tree in Silver Lake dazzles with its shows off a canopy of vivid orchid-like blossoms on a street in Silver Lake. This bloom season has been a standout for the trees in Southern California.
(Iris Schneider / LAT)

Coral tree, left, Erythrina humeana ‘Raja.’

Firewheel tree, below left, Stenocarpus sinuatus.

Floss silk,

Chorisia speciosa (pink) and C. insignis (white).

Cape chestnut, Calodendrum capense. Tall, broad. Pink flowers.

Strawberry snowball, Dombeya cacuminum. Grows fast and tall.

Sweetshade, Hymenosporum flavum, and coral gum, Eucalyptus torquata, both from Australia. Mid-size, narrow, good for tight spaces.

Snow-in-summer, Melaleuca linariifolia, Australia. Round-headed.

Australian flame tree, Brachychiton acerifolius, and Queensland lacebark, B. discolor. Good in pots.

Golden trumpet tree, Tabebuia chrysotricha. Soaks up inland sun but rarely flowers by the ocean.

— Lili Singer
