
Daily Deal: Take a flying lesson over L.A. or South Bay for $129

Sale-priced flying lessons allow participants to fly over the South Bay or L.A./Hollywood area.
(Luis Sinco / Los Angeles Times)
Los Angeles Times Daily Deals and Travel Blogger

Buzz the Hollywood sign or the Queen Mary with this half-off deal on a flying lesson in Southern California. It costs $129 to take off with a pilot and learn your way around the cockpit. No, you won’t be ready to handle a Dreamliner after the lesson but you will have plenty of fabulous views.

The deal: Amazon Local is offering this deal for a Discovery Flight from South Coast Aeronautics. The price covers covers 40 minutes of air time and instruction from Torrance Airport. Don’t expect to be flying the plane the whole time; you’ll take the controls for a while and have your pick of flying over the South Bay or Los Angeles. Reservations are made directly with South Coast Aeronautics after purchasing a coupon.

When: You have until Thursday to buy the coupon that’s good through Nov. 3.

Details: From my check onine, the price is a good one. The Discovery Flight usually costs $258, and introductory rates for similar L.A. flights cost about $150 per person.


Info: AmazonLocal, (866) 395-2090
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