
Opinion: A proposal for the 405: Unclog West L.A. streets by blocking exits and entrances during rush hour

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To the editor: The 405 Freeway is more than just an annoyance for drivers. Trying to cross underneath it on the Westside’s surface streets at rush hour (for example, from Santa Monica to Los Angeles) can take hours and is dangerous.

Dangerous how? What if you have an emergency? What if a fire truck or ambulance can’t get through the backup and does not quickly make it to a fire or a person in trouble?

This has to stop, and I know how: Block off every two or three 405 exits and entrances at rush hour. Start with Wilshire Boulevard. Now people can get home in a reasonable amount of time, and emergency vehicles can get through.


Also, the backup on the 405 is due mainly to cars entering and exiting, so with these on and off ramps closed, traffic on the highway will flow smoother and faster.

So, to Caltrans and the mayors of Santa Monica and Los Angeles, I ask: What do you say to this?

Jon Marcus, Los Angeles


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