
Opinion: Surprise! The Times’ poll was right about Trump. Now it’s time for action

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To the editor: Perhaps because I read The Times every day, I was not as shocked as everyone else was about Donald Trump’s victory. Being a scientist, I recognized that the USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times Daybreak poll would be statistically the most advanced. (“The USC/L.A. Times poll saw what other surveys missed: A wave of Trump support,” Nov. 8)

Not that I am happy about this, but I hope that people will get over the shock and take action. This should not be about policy — like it or not, as the victor Trump has the right to push a conservative agenda. But I see no hope that he can “unify our great country,” unless he sincerely acts to heal the wounds he has inflicted.

We must unite in a protest movement and demand that he sincerely apologize, without laying any blame elsewhere, first to President Obama and African Americans for perpetuating the birther myth, and then to all women, Mexicans, Mexican Americans, Muslims and the disabled for his hateful and demeaning rhetoric.


Steve Mills, Glendale


To the editor: The Daybreak poll was the other outsider who won this race. Our high Gini coefficient (an indicator of income inequality) also won this race.

The long denial of income inequality in this country by the two parties and the media finally ambushed them. If Trump takes on that issue and brings the banks and financial firms to heel, he will have the most opposition from his own party.


An income gap this large is always a cause of social instability, strikes, riots and revolutions. In this case, American workers brought it to the polls.

Does this mean the system is working?

William DuBay, Poulsbo, Wash.

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