
‘A Legend Dark and Deep: Let the Titanic Sleep’


A paean of praise for the remarkably poignant essay by Patt Morrison on the discovery of the Titanic. It was not the logistics with which she dealt that impressed me, but the heart-tugging treatment, almost a tearful plea, to consign the Titanic forever to what she has been and should remain--a watery grave and memorial to the more than 1,500 who went down with her.

Morrison’s finely honed literary illusions, apt figures of speech, and philosophical extrapolations elevated this piece to a level of poetic prose so intense that vision became blurred.

It was no surprise to discover that the Titanic was more than a tragic event to Morrison--she had interviewed survivors a few years ago. Out of this lingering personal experience, then, came this heart-rending document. It should be added to a small precious book of literary gems, required reading in schools.


I have retained this beautiful document as a testimonial to the finer instincts of human nature that sometimes, though rarely, rise above the greed of common mortals. The next time when I’m feeling low, I shall re-read this literary piece and send my spirits soaring. But I shall also weep.


Sherman Oaks
