
Downfall of Marcos

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I recently returned from two years at the Philippine Refugee Processing Center in Bataan where I learned firsthand about Filipino idealism and ability to work selflessly and wholeheartedly for high principles.

Sixteen of us, 15 Filipino and one American, working in an intensive English program funded by the U.S. State Department created an up-to-date language laboratory program to provide listening-comprehension instruction in American English to thousands of U.S.-bound Indochinese refugees.

After my experience I am deeply gratified but not at all surprised at the discipline, dedication to moral and spiritual principles we have just seen in the Filipino people.


As we support them in rebuilding their country, let us give them more than money, let us also give them our prayers and our faith. Today we can rejoice in the inspiring vision of humanity the Filipino people have given the world.


Los Angeles
