
Shrine Football Game Is Expected to Be Back Next Year, Potentate Says


The Shrine All-Star high school football game, despite a disappointing crowd of 14,516 Saturday night at the Rose Bowl, is expected to return next year, according to a key official.

“I believe there is going to be a game,” said Anthony E. D. Parisian, who, as next year’s potentate of the Al Malaikah Temple, co-sponsor of the event, will have the final say. “We’ll sit down soon and evaluate how much this game made and other items such as that. But we’re going to try.

“At the present time, I’d sure like to have another game next year. It’s obvious some players still want to play in the game.”


In 1985, when the game drew an all-time low attendance of an estimated 9,000 to East Los Angeles, Shriners still netted $64,600 for the Los Angeles unit of the hospital for crippled children. So, despite the disappointing attendance last Saturday, profits are also expected to be good this year. Much of the money comes from donations, program ads and tickets bought but not used.

The trustees will meet late this month.
