
‘The Kingmaker’ Recommended


David Pecchia’s review of Dan Moldea’s “Dark Victory: Ronald Reagan, MCA and The Mob” (The Book Review, Oct. 12) prompts me to suggest that your readers go to the trouble of searching for a fascinating novel called “The Kingmaker” by Henry Denker, on the same subjects and more.

It is a roman a clef so thinly disguised that most publishers’ lawyers would not allow it to be printed today. It was published shortly after Ronald Reagan became governor and is out of print. The rights are now held by Putnam’s--owned by MCA--and, as it is a most vivid description of the making of Ronald Reagan, it is not likely to be reprinted soon, let alone made into a movie.

As of this writing, a copy is available at the West Los Angeles branch of the public library and perhaps at other branches.



Los Angeles
