
‘Trafficking in Chaos’


After reading David Grayson’s article (Letters, Nov. 29), I can only say--Hurrah!--he makes more sense than all the politicians combined, who push senselessly ahead with their white elephant, Rapid Transit boondoggle.

The key paragraph to Grayson’s article was where he points out that even when the pipe dream transit projects are built, they will carry only 6% of all regional travel.

How can spending billions of dollars on this type of transportation system be justified when absolutely nothing will be accomplished to ease the back-and-forth-to-work dilemma of the other 94% of commuters?


Where congestion was once limited to peak going-to and coming-home hours (7 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.), it is now a perpetual stop and go (crawl) situation and grows worse each day. The pavement condition of the most heavily traveled freeways is deplorable, even though a 5 cents road-repair tax was added to our gas pumps a few years ago--where does the money go?

Having been born in Los Angeles, I have seen the Red Car and the streetcar lines buried--Southern Californians wanted and still want the automobile, so let’s just make it feasible for them to use their vehicles.


