
1,000-Year-Old Village for Sale in Scotland--and Price Is Right

Associated Press

A 1,000-year-old fishing village perched on a cliff in Scotland can be yours for $154,000.

Not much remains of the village of Crawton. The last fisherman left in 1927, and its 23 houses and a school are in ruins.

But its history is long. A natural harbor at the bottom of the 200-foot cliffs attracted Celtic settlers in the 10th Century, and the village grew prosperous on fishing.

“Where can you buy a fishing village steeped in history like this one is?” its owner, John Morrison, asked Wednesday. “You can speak about having castles, but very few people can say they’ve got a fishing village.”


Since it went on sale last week, more than 30 people have expressed interest in the village, which is in eastern Scotland south of Aberdeen.

Morrison said planning permission has already been obtained to rebuild the village along the lines of the original settlement.
