
La Habra : Heart Attack Suspected as Cause of Fatal Crash


A 77-year-old man who may have been suffering a heart attack died Thursday after his car drifted over the center line of Lambert Road near Harbor Boulevard and struck another car head on, police said.

Arthur Robert Krieger, 77, of Whittier, was taken by helicopter to UCI Medical Center in Orange, where he died about four hours after the 5 p.m. collision, police said.

According to a coroner’s spokesman, Krieger died of a heart attack and of injuries suffered in the crash. The spokesman said the coroner’s office was not sure whether the heart attack began before the crash.


A witness said Krieger’s head was lying on the headrest just before his westbound car drifted over the center line and slammed into a car driven by Miguel Sanchez Leyva, 39, of La Habra. Leyva was not injured.
