
Education and Funds for AIDS


Congratulations to Prof. Fen Rhodes and California State University, Long Beach. Their computer program called AIDS Info On-Line, which provides information on AIDS (Metro, Oct. 29), is badly needed. The ability to ask questions anonymously and receive answers within 72 hours is outstanding. It is great to see someone willing to do something because he believes it is important and necessary, and does it without concern of the criticism that may come. Rhodes understands the issue is survival and not a popularity contest.

I have been disgusted reading and hearing the various debates as to where sex education belongs. Should it be taught in the schools or only by parents in the privacy of their home? I believe this debate is stupid and dangerous. AIDS is a killer, and its victims have no hope. I believe that this type of information can save lives. It should be made available to anyone who wants it, and this system provides an easy way to distribute the information. I believe every college and high school should have a similar program. Since no one is immune to AIDS, everyone can use the education. I only hope this program spreads quickly so AIDS doesn’t.


Woodland Hills
