
Old Swinger


Oscar-nominated film maker John Boorman (for “Hope and Glory”) tells us he and another nominee--actor Marcello Mastroianni (for “Dark Eyes”)--may soon be “swinging” into action on a new film. The two men, who worked together on 1970’s “Leo the Last,” dined in Rome recently, where the actor suggested an ideal subject for collaboration--Tarzan.

Boorman said Mastroianni would play the king of the apes in his 60s and no longer quite the dashing figure he once was. “I like the idea,” said Boorman. “His Tarzan is too arthritic to swing on vines and he’s fed up with bananas. We need something strong dramatically to really make it work which I’m convinced he’ll find.”

The actor provided Boorman with a sure-fire commercial element--he’d appear for the first time in the nude.
