
Local News in Brief : Donation for Storm Relief


A TRW employees’ organization donated $15,000 this week to help people and businesses that suffered economic losses when a storm hit Redondo Beach’s King Harbor in January.

The Jan. 17 and 18 storm caused $17 million damage--$14 million of it to private property--in the mile-long King Harbor area, which includes the Redondo Beach Pier.

City Manager Tim Casey said the City Council will soon create a special fund to distribute the money to the private sector. The donation is important, he said, because most damaged businesses are not eligible for many of the federal and state financial assistance programs, as the city is.


The City Council has not decided how it will distribute the money from the Employee Charitable Organization of TRW’s Redondo Beach-based Electronics and Defense Sector.

About 60% of the sector’s employees donate to the organization through payroll deductions, said Dixielee Kirby, senior executive secretary of TRW and a member of the King Harbor Yacht Club, who presented the check to Mayor Barbara J. Doerr at this week’s council meeting.
