
Knepper Calls NOW ‘Bunch of Lesbians’ but Later Recants

Associated Press

Astros pitcher Bob Knepper, who came under fire earlier this year when he said women should not umpire men’s games, called the National Organization for Women “a bunch of lesbians” in an article in the upcoming issue of Sports Illustrated.

According to an article in the June 20 issue, Knepper shrugged off the Houston NOW chapter’s decision to vote him “Neanderthal of the Year” after he said women shouldn’t be umpires.

“NOW is such a blowhard organization,” Knepper said. “They are a bunch of lesbians. Their focus has nothing to do with women’s rights. It has everything to do with women wanting to be men.”


When asked about the article, Knepper told the Houston Post that he had been joking and added, “I guess I’m going to have to start wearing a bulletproof jacket to the stadium.”
