

Clipboard researched by Kathie Bozanich, Susan Davis Greene and Dallas Jamison / Los Angeles Times. Graphics by Thomas Penix / Los Angeles Times

With the arrival of the holidays, normally food-conscious folk abandon their crudites and calorie counters with relief, indulging instead in the sweets of the season. Here, a selection of Orange County bakers rate the ever popular pie and warn: plain or a la mode, no one ever eats just one slice.

Pie Shop Best-selling Worst-selling Hearthside Family 1. apple rhubarb Restaurant 2. pecan Santa Ana Marie Callender 1. pumpkin apricot Pie Shops 2. apple Costa Mesa Polly’s Tasty Foods 1. pumpkin custard & Pies 2. Banbury Irvine Kaplan’s Restaurants 1. apple lemon meringue & Bakery 2. chocolate creme Costa Mesa Bavarian Bakery 1. pumpkin tie: blueberry Tustin 2. apple cherry The Cake Box 1. pumpkin mincemeat Huntington Beach 2. cherry Hansen’s Bakery 1. pumpkin banana creme Orange 2. boysenberry Under the Mill Bakery 1. pumpkin mincemeat Garden Grove 2. apple Hershel’s Deli & Bakery 1. pumpkin chocolate creme Santa Ana 2. apple Isbell’s Bakery 1. pumpkin pineapple Tustin 2. apple Knott’s Berry Farm 1. boysenberry mincemeat Buena Park 2. apple Lucci’s Deli-Bakery 1. pumpkin blueberry Huntington Beach 2. apple Scandinavian Pastry 1. pumpkin blueberry Huntington Beach 2. apple Seacliff Bakery 1. pumpkin mincemeat Huntington Beach 2. lemon meringue The Downstairs Bakery 1. apple cherry Newport Beach 2. pumpkin Tip Top Bakery 1. apple mincemeat Westminster 2. pumpkin International Gourmet 1. pumpkin blueberry Newport Beach 2. apple German Home Bakery 1. apple torte mocha torte Huntington Beach 2. Black Forest torte Gelson’s Market 1. pecan Dutch apple Newport Beach 2. pumpkin Coco’s 1. apple boysenberry Santa Ana 2. pumpkin

Source: Individual bakeries
