
Man Charged in 12 Rapes Reconsiders Guilty Plea

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Times Staff Writer

In a surprise move, sentencing for the man known as the “bolder-than-most” rapist was continued on Monday after the defendant told a Superior Court judge that he was rethinking his decision last month to plead guilty to a series of sexual assaults that terrorized women throughout the San Diego area.

Alvin Quarles, 26, of Paradise Hills had agreed to a plea bargain in which he admitted guilt to 12 felony charges in return for a prison sentence of 50 years.

But, on Monday, when he was scheduled to be sentenced, his attorney, Charles Adair, announced that Quarles wanted more time to consider the guilty plea because he felt 50 years was too long a sentence. Adair said Quarles would have to serve about half of the 50 years before he would even be eligible for parole.


But the alternative, a jury trial, could lead to a maximum sentence of more than 200 years in prison, and Quarles might be required to serve up to 60 years of that sentence before being eligible for parole, Adair said.

“He would have ended up doing 50 to 60 years or dying in prison,” the attorney said. “Unless he got a pardon. You’d have to ask the governor about that, and, when it comes to sex cases, I’m not aware of any sympathetic ear in the governor’s office.”

Judge Jesus Rodriguez set a new court date of March 20, at which time Quarles is to either formally ask to withdraw his guilty plea and seek a jury trial or proceed with the 50-year sentencing.


Adair said Quarles was at one time charged with 61 counts in attacks that occurred in National City, Clairemont, Mission Valley and East San Diego, dating back to September, 1987. He was dubbed the “bolder-than-most” rapist by police for his tendency to sexually attack women even if others, such as roommates or spouses, were present.
