
Fairfax District : Pan Pacific Dispute Erupts

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Pushing for action on a proposal to rebuild the fire-gutted Pan Pacific Auditorium, Los Angeles County Supervisor Pete Schabarum accused colleague Ed Edelman of dragging his feet on the matter.

“Whenever a little bit of controversy comes up, you take a hike and disappear,” Schabarum said to Edelman at Tuesday’s meeting of the Board of Supervisors. “There’s no way you’re going to end up with 100% support for this project, or any other project.”

Schabarum and Edelman both said they are eager to see some revenue from the 1930s-vintage structure, which was extensively damaged by the May 24 fire.


But Edelman, whose district includes the Pan Pacific and an adjacent park by the same name, said he was still meeting with homeowners, county officials and developers. He said he wants to consider all the options before coming back to the board with a recommendation.

“I don’t like to ram things down people’s throats,” Edelman said. “If you don’t like it, if you can get two more votes, then you can proceed as you like.”

But Schabarum declined to ask for a vote, demanding instead that county officials come back with a report saying how soon it would be possible to go ahead with the project.
