
Ventura Mayor Will Seek 4th Term on Council


Ventura Mayor James L. Monahan has announced that he will run for reelection in the Nov. 7 race for City Council.

Monahan, 54, said he is seeking his fourth term in office because he wants to continue planning for Ventura’s future.

“A lot of things that I’ve been working on with the council are not yet completed,” Monahan said, adding that he has received “literally hundreds of calls urging me to run.”


Monahan cited the Cal State Ventura campus, completion of the redevelopment plan for the County Fairgrounds, importation of water, and traffic circulation as problems he wants to address in the coming years.

In addition, the lack of a community center “has been a big pet peeve of mine for the last 12 years,” he said.

The mayor and the vice mayor are elected by the council for two-year terms. Monahan, whose term as mayor is ending, will serve as a councilman if he is reelected this fall.

By Wednesday morning, 16 people had filed papers for four available seats, said Ventura City Clerk Barbara Kam. The deadline for filing was Wednesday at 5 p.m.

In addition to Monahan, incumbent Nan Drake is also running for reelection. Councilmen John Sullard and William Crew, whose terms expire this fall, have announced that they will not run again.

Ventura City Council members are elected at large for four-year terms.
