
NEWS BRIEFS : Sept. 16 Celebration at Lincoln Park Canceled


In response to a melee that marred this year’s Cinco de Mayo celebration at Lincoln Park, Los Angeles City Councilman Richard Alatorre has canceled the traditional Mexican Independence Day observance scheduled for Sept. 16 at the park.

After meetings with community groups, the police and other interested parties, Alatorre said the policy of allowing beer consumption at such events needs more study. Also to be studied, he said, are security, entertainment and whether such events should be two-day observances.

Other Sept. 16 celebrations are still planned throughout Southern California.

Critics have charged that the consumption of beer at the park celebrations, allowed by the city in part because beer companies underwrite the festivities, has changed the focus and tenor of such holidays. Events to promote ethnic pride have turned into glorified beer busts, they contend.
