
Injured Chang Hopeful He Can Play in Davis Cup

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Michael Chang will be on crutches for two more weeks, but he is optimistic that his injured left hip may heal in time for him to play in the Davis Cup matches in early February.

“I think I’ll be back on the court earlier than was first thought,” Chang said.

“I just have to wait and see until after Christmas, after I have some more X-rays. There is an outside chance of playing Davis Cup.”

The 17-year-old French Open champion was injured Dec. 6 while practicing in Florida. He was expected to be out for eight weeks after it was diagnosed that he had broken his hip where the top of the thigh bone enters the socket.


However, Chang’s orthopedic specialist, Dr. Robert Kerlan, said he believes Chang did not suffer a fracture, but instead experienced a separation of bone in the area of his left hip socket.

“We feel there has been some movement, but not a great deal,” Kerlan said.

The portion of bone affected was “a pretty sizable piece,” Kerlan said, indicating it was about half the length of a finger. “We feel it was held in place by very tough connective tissue.”

The injury occurred as Chang stretched for a two-handed backhand shot deep in the corner of the court. He did not fall or run into anything. Chang said he heard something crack.


Kerlan, who said he sees no need for surgery, said it is too early to decide whether Chang will be able to play for the U.S. Davis Cup team against Mexico Feb. 2-4 at La Costa.

Chang was cautious about sounding too sure he would be able to play in the first-round matches.

“It’s kind of risky to not play for so many weeks and the first thing you do is play Davis Cup,” he said. “I’ve been told that for every day you miss, it takes three days to get back to that form you were in.


“So, I guess I’ll just have to wait and see.”
